Defying Gravity: Aerial Fitness and the Art of Keeping Your Fascia Flying High

Rebekka Sharpe • Mar 27, 2024

How to make Aerials a little bit easier...... it is possible I promise!

Ah, fascia - that unsung hero of the human body, a masterful network of connective tissue that envelops our insides with the dedication of a helicopter parent. Ever dissected a chicken breast and spotted that thin, almost ghostly layer? That's fascia for you. But fear not, we're not transitioning into a culinary deep-dive. Instead, we're soaring into the high-flying world of aerial fitness, where understanding your fascia isn't just smart; it's essential for navigating the aerial arts with the grace of a gravity-defying superhero (and yes, deciding between galaxy print or sleek metallic leggings is still a major decision).

What is Fascia, Really?

Picture your body as a bustling metropolis, with muscles and organs as the skyscrapers. Fascia is the intricate network of roads, bridges, and subways linking everything together. It's not just an inert packing material; it's the unsung orchestrator of movement, stability, and overall well-being. Think of fascia as the world's most diligent multitasker, putting even the most avid multitaskers among us (yes, you, juggling your aerial practices, career ambitions, and social life) to shame.

The Aerial Twist: Fascia and Movement

Here's where we dive into the juicy bits. Fascia is made of collagen and elastin, making it both resilient and flexible, kind of like your favorite pair of high-performance leggings. It facilitates the smooth operation of muscles during your aerial antics but can tighten up quicker than your grip on the silks during a tricky inversion.

When fascia is happy, you're spinning and twisting like a dream. But when neglected, it can turn as rigid as you feel after a day spent sitting through endless meetings or turotials. This stiffness can cause discomfort, limit your aerial acrobatics, and frankly, make your sessions more about enduring pain than performing art.

Why Your Fascia Deserves the Spotlight

You might be thinking, "I'm already flipping through the air; now you want me to focus on my fascia, too?" Absolutely. Tuning into your fascia can boost your flexibility, ease pain, and refine your movements, making every ascent and descent as smooth as your playlist.

The Fascia-Friendly Aerial Routine

  1. Dynamic Stretching: This isn't your average toe-touching. We're talking stretches that mirror the fluid, dynamic movements of aerial fitness, keeping your fascia as flexible as your routine demands.
  2. Foam Rolling: The foam roller: part torturer, part best friend. It's not just for muscle relief; it's a top-notch tool for pampering your fascia, ironing out stiffness, and boosting circulation.
  3. Hydration: Just like your favorite indoor plant, fascia thrives on water. Keeping hydrated ensures your fascia remains resilient and supple, much like your approach to life (and choosing water bottles as fashionable as your aerial attire).
  4. Mindful Movements: Aerial fitness is the ultimate in mindful movement, demanding focus, precision, and body awareness. This deep connection helps you cater to your fascia, ensuring a fluid dance between muscles and connective tissue.

The Flight Plan

Blending fascial fitness into your aerial journey isn't about reinventing the wheel. It's about acknowledging the interconnectedness of your bodily universe, from the majestic sweep of your muscles to the humble stretch of your fascia.

So, as you climb that fabric or flip into that hoop or bar, remember: you're not just challenging your boundaries or perfecting your form. You're also nurturing the fascial fibers that make each breathtaking move possible. Here's to our fascia, the unsung hero in our aerial adventures, keeping us flexible, strong, and ready to conquer the skies. Now, who's ready to stretch, roll, and hydrate their way to aerial excellence?

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I remember being 5 or 6 and going with my mum to the Marconi Club for aerobics every week. I was supposed to sit up the back with the other kids, but my legend of a mama let me join in with her, as long as we stayed in the corner out of everyone’s way. I don’t remember much from the class, but I do remember feeling incredible energy & joy. To this day it is one of my fondest memories, which is remarkable considering I hardly remember it at all. That’s why when Josh came to me asking if we could put on an 80’s aerobics class, I said yes, even though it doesn’t really fit our studio brand. I knew that it would bring so much light & laughter that we absolutely had to run it! For two weeks after the class, I heard so many stories from everyone who attended. Apparently the atmosphere was like a grand final footy game: absolutely electric! This class will make a guest appearance every now & then on the schedule, if you need any convincing, here are some reviews from its debut. It can only get better! Josh’s class was easily the happiest hour of my day! I couldn’t stop smiling! If I was to describe the class to someone, I’d tell them to expect an hour of positive vibes, high energy, amazing tracks, and a lot of fluro. It’s so much fun that you (almost) forget you’re working out, ‘till you realise at the end that your 80s themed eyeshadow is no longer where it used to be. There was such a great buzz to the class. Everyone was in such high spirits and it made for such a great time. I’d also say that it doesn’t matter if you haven’t tried aerobics before, it really does cater to everyone. Over all; loved it! Daniela M Josh’s class was an eclectic mix of everything great about the 80’s - fast-paced dance combos that were both fun and workout based, moves that channeled authentic 80’s movies and musicals, aerobics mixed with classic pilates moves and a bangin’ playlist to sweat to! I loved every minute and couldn’t stop singing along :) Emily M I had such an amazing time! The music was good and the dance moves were easy to learn. I would recommend to everyone who wants a fun workout but still challenging enough! I can’t wait for the next class! Angela T
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